My Philosophy
Work productivity sets the foundation for a joyful life

Being Productive = Working Less But Getting More Done
It’s just not sustainable for me to work 80+ hour weeks, have no time for family and friends, and be chained to my desk. I’d never feel balanced living life this way. And my productivity would drop.
Are you nodding your head right now? Then keep reading…
Being a productivity master means your work fuels the joy of life, instead of sucking it dry.
Let me show you what I mean.

Working too much makes you burn out
You’ve worked hard to get here. And your achievements have put you in a position of influence - so you can have a greater impact on the world and make a comfortable living for you and your family.
But if you can only recreate your results by overworking, by skipping lunch, staying up late to work... chances are you’re heading towards a severe burnout.
I’ve been there. I know you may feel you can keep going by just pushing a bit harder. But you're burning the rope at both ends and eventually your mind and body can't keep up.
Your health will be the first to go. Then relationships with the people you care about. Then even the relationship with yourself. And finally the impact you once had.
You need a productivity system to create more space for family, friends, hobbies and self care. So you can work sustainably, make an impact in the years to come and enjoy your life in the process.

But not getting enough done sets you up to fail
You’re here because you have done a lot with your life. You've led organizations to success and impact. And you have to get the work done to continue the success.
The occasional slacking off may give you a moment to breathe, but you need to maintain high performance to maintain your impact.
You have great ambitions to help, lead and support the people you serve. Achieving less than that is a disservice to the world and your own potential.
I hold my leaders to a high standard. Maintaining balance in life doesn’t mean you should run off to an island somewhere.
Productivity superstardom allows you to do more
- while achieving balance in your life
Being a productivity superstar means getting a lot done while having space for the other good things in life. You don’t need to sacrifice your health and life to achieve success. Productivity superstars take full advantage of their time - for the benefit of their health, the people they love and the people they serve.
In other words, a productivity superstar knows to put their own oxygen mask on first, so they have all the energy they need to help others.

Want a better system to optimize your productivity?
(Productivity = getting more done and having a greater impact while spending less time and energy)
Gift yourself a productivity coaching session with me - at no cost or obligation!